This year CULS Prague in Czech Republic was the organiser of the Summer School – an international cooperation within the scope of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). Summer School in CULS Prague was focused on rural development. There attended participants from The Lincoln University (New Zealand), The University of Greenwich, The Newcastle University, The University of Groningen, The University of Kassel, The University of Göttingen , The University of Hohenheim, CULS Prague and SGGW Warsaw.

Lecturers and  12 participants took part in the 5-day intensive workshops. The schedule included professor’s lectures and presentations of students. They were presented their research interests and concepts of master’s or doctoral theses.

One of the main points of the summer school was a one day trip to the Vitice Village, cattle farm in Nová Ves and Kostelní Lhota – farmer chees eterprise. The departure was the basis for the case study. The participants were divided into 3 groups and their task was to make a concept of development and support for the local community.

The schedule also included visiting the main attractions in Prague: Old Town and Charles Bridge. The end of Summer School 2017 was a farewell party with barbecue, dancing and singing in the accompaniment of a guitars

From the perspectives of the participant, the summer school was a wonderful time, inspiring and developing scientifically.

First and foremost, it allows the development of scientific interests, the exchange of experiences in the international environment and establishing contact in new people from all of the world.

I strongly recommend taking part in Summer Schools.